Focusing Pathways

Naty Calviño

Focusing Pathways Season 1 Episode 11

Naty Calvino lives in Argentina and is a Certifying Coordinator with TIFI (The International Focusing Institute), a Focusing Oriented Therapist, Supervisor and a  Yogatherapist. She is also an FSPM Facilitator (Jan Winhall’s Felt Sense Polyvagal Model). 
Naty teaches the entire Focusing Certification Program and Focusing-Oriented Therapy (FOT), and especially enjoys training and supervising therapists, as well as her work with clients both individually and with groups. 

What Focusing means to Naty: "For me it is a way of BEING, and  my goal every day is to be connected with my Higher Self, my essence, my spirit/heart/soul... that place where I feel part of this "vast system": the earth, the sky and all the living beings in their true light, beyond conditioning, adopted patterns and survival behaviors... In love."
Contact Naty at: