Focusing Pathways

Báirbre Meehan

Focusing Pathways Season 1 Episode 12

Báirbre Meehan is a Focusing-Oriented Coach and Coach Supervisor.  Her practice is informed by 25 years in people management in roles such as CEO, organisational/leadership development and finance director.  Her coaching journey began 12 years ago, at a time when her personal-development journey led her to focusing and from there the integration of these powerful ways of working naturally emerged. 

Báirbre self-funded a research project measuring the impact of a Focusing-Oriented Coaching approach on people with Low Mental Well Being (MWB).  Referrals came from medical doctors, psychotherapists and word of mouth and quantitative measurements showed very significant MWB improvements, maintained over the longer term.

Focusing-Oriented Coaching is Báirbre’s passion and she is devoted to developing and sharing it with others.  Báirbre regularly runs Focusing-Oriented Coaching programs, teaching coaches, therapists and helping professionals how to use Focusing in their work.  You can contact Báirbre at

To understand more about Focusing-Oriented Coaching in practice, here is a link to an article Báirbre has written 'Life wants to live: Focusing-Oriented Coaching'  This article first appeared in the July 2024 issue of Coaching Today, published by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.