Focusing Pathways
A podcast to explore people's relationship with Focusing as developed by Eugene Gendlin. In these interviews we explore the ways in which individuals embody and integrate Focusing into their personal and professional lives. Hosted by Therese Ryan and Elaine Goggin, both certified Focusing trainers with The International Focusing Institute.
Focusing Pathways
Myriam el Kettani
Myriam el Kettani worked in the corporate world for over twenty years before training in humanistic psychotherapy and Focusing. She is a Focusing Oriented Therapist, and a person-centred practitioner. Myriam facilitates humanistic encounter groups for adults and/or adolescents. She also facilitates leadership support and collective intelligence development groups. Myriam lives in Morocco.
Focusing Oriented Therapy by Neil Friedman is available on World of Books and Amazon.